Monday, October 25, 2010

"If I want to fly, I'll find a way to fly. You do what you love, and fuck the rest."

so up until this summer, i've been in limbo about "what i wanted to be when i grew up." since i've "grown up" this decision has become critical because apparently i need to do something/be something.
when i was little, i wanted to be a dancer or a teacher. every year it switched back and forth from teacher to dancer and dancer to teacher.  but, for some reason, when you reach a certain age, you realize some dreams are impractical and unreachable.  so i had to stick with the more practical of the 2: teacher.
after reaching 9th grade and realizing the turbulence of teenage years, i no longer wanted to be a teacher so i entered the "i have no idea what i want to do with my life" abyss.
i didn't care that i was floating around the abyss just taking up space because i was in high school, majors and minors and careers didn't matter and i knew i'd eventually figure it out.  i floated around psychology, math, political science, economics for a while. but i finally figured it out

my intended majors are philosophy and psychology with a religion minor.  why? because i love them all.  what can i "do" with THAT? well, here's a little scene from 'across the universe':
Max: Why is it always what will I do? "What will he do", "What will he do," "Oh, my god what will he do", Do, do, do, do, do. Why isn't the issue here who I am? 
Uncle Teddy: Because, Maxwell, what you do defines who you are. 
Max: No, Uncle Teddy. Who you are defines what you do. Right Jude? 
Jude: Well, surely it's not what you do, but the way that you do it

i don't want to have to defend myself for my reasonings behind my majors but i'm going to anyway.
first all, no one knows how to think anymore.  philosophy helps me think clearly about everything.  there is not one thing philosophy has left unthought about.  why wouldn't that help me better myself with whatever i did? especially in a field such as law which was created by great philosophers.
secondly, what better way to be a friend to someone than to go into the field of psychology? psychology helps me how to understand people and how to deal with them.  i want to help people through means of psychology.
my religion minor is just because i love religion.  have a better reason?  it makes sense to me, i don't care if it doesn't make sense to you.

who we are defines what we do (happily, that is). if you do something that is not what you are, you'll be unhappy.  but in the end, it's how you do it.  in the end, what matters most is doing what you do with pride, dignity, honor, passion, and effort. 

i want to major in philosophy and psychology and i've never been so sure in anything else as i am in this.  so this is a big fuck you to all those adults out there that badger me doing what i want and love.

1 comment:

  1. Love that you quoted across the universe! and so true, you rock Jo =D
