Monday, October 11, 2010

Day 01- A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself

hai. here we go with this month long project.  i'll state some facts, but i can't promise that they will interest you.  my "recent pic" is going to be the same as my blog pic because i don't care and it's kinda creepy

1. i'm hard to define.  i find myself being a contradiction (not a hypocrite) often.
2. my major is philosophy and psychology with a religion minor.  thinking is a hobby of mine
3. i love to travel because i love everything that comes with it: people, culture, experience, learning, and especially the feeling of being so tired, yet so alive
4. i care about the little things way more than the big things.  i care about the littlest things that make me happy and show thought and appreciation, but the littlest things could bother me if it shows me disrespect or inconsideration.
5. i love school.  i want to sit in a classroom forever.
6. in fact, my two dream jobs would be to become a professional student or to be friends with everyone in the world.  i'm probably on my way to achieving both.
7. i am surrounded by the most beautiful family and friends.
8. i love the beach. ask anyone who knows me at all.  i love the sand (unlike most people) and the water (even though the ocean scares me).  
9. i might like to dance.  i'll do it anywhere, all the time, whenever music is around.
10. i eat, breathe, sleep, live for THEE city, new york city.  i believe it's the best place in the world before brooklyn and roxbury.
11. my favorite foods are french fries, pizza, and sandwiches.  i think i can live off of them.
12. i like sports a lot, but i don't follow professional or college sports. i'll just watch the big games. my favorite sport is soccer
13. i'm really cautious
14. i have an old soul
15. i secretly wish i was in a rock band, but the kind of rock bands from the 80s.

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