Monday, May 17, 2010

to wish, need, crave, demand, or desire

it's late, i should be sleeping, let's write a blog that has no direction ...

(*Sex and the City fans*) I'm currently reading The Carrie Diaries by Candace Bushnell.  It's the diary of Carrie Bradshaw's senior year in high school (it's a great beach-read and would probably make a great movie), but she mentioned something like 'how far would you go to get what you want?'  Naturally, I thought about it and thought good blog topic ...

First, i typed 'want' into my itunes library and songs like "boom, boom, i want you in my room" and "i don't want to miss a thing" or "i want to hold your hand" and "you can't always get what you want" or "if it's lovin' that you want" all came up.  Then, i typed "want" into and and, basically, the same definition cam up on both websites: to feel a need or a desire for; to wish, need, crave, demand, or desire.

We know that feeling we get when we know we want something.  I'm not talking about that feeling when we don't know what we want, I'm talking about that feeling when we absolutely know what we want.  It could be a new outfit, a longing to go somewhere, a longing to be with a person, a craving to do something, or just a desire for a successful life.  We know we want it.  We know what we want to do.  Sometimes, we don't know why, but we want anyway.

I know what I want, even though it really really doesn't seem like it ... ever because i get distracted easily, but that's another story.  But, how fast or far will you actually go to get what you want?  What happens when our desires are suppressed (other than sexual frustration)?  I mean, sometimes desires just fizz away like flat soda that's been opened a little.  Sometimes, we get this quick, fast, hard desire and then it dies within a week.  But, what about those times when days or weeks pass and you're still thinking about it?  That dress you can't stop thinking about?  Or that special someone that just won't escape your mind?

I don't know about you, but after weeks have passed, I just can't resist anymore.  I have to give in to that dress.  And well, that special someone... I don't take risks that much in that area, but it usually turns out disastrous.  I don't know how far or fast you go to get what you want, but that feeling when you finally give in, is like lifting a piano off of your back.  When you get what you want (or at least to attempt in getting it) you gain a little bit of happiness.  Sometimes the happiness is just a 60 minute satisfaction, a week's pleasure, or maybe even a lifetime of happiness.

I guess it's a matter of aggressiveness or settlement.  How badly do you care to be happy?  Would you want to just settle for "eh, whatever, no big deal" or be aggressive and say "i'm going to get that"?  Some people will do a little and let fate work it out and hopefully it works, while others are go-getters and go after what they want.

That's a little psychological, but it depends on the person to decide how far and fast they'd go.  What I think matters most in the end is knowing how much it's worth.

currently appreciating: "The Moment I Said It" by Imogen Heap

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