Sunday, January 23, 2011


i dont know how i feel about this but im just feeling creative

so, i think as a "young adult" i am going through a 'quarter life crisis' (which really does exist, look it up).   i'm growing up, more confused than ever, and starting to hit that point where i realize and accept that the world is fucking nuts.  but, i am not the only one, or the first one, to feel this way.  it's something every person encounters.

it's really cool how simple human emotions kind of unite people.  everything we feel, is universal.  i'm not trying to belittle the diversity of our world, but trying to find comfort in the simple connectivities of humanity.  we should never feel alone.

1. we are all scared.  of everything.
2. we are always searching. searching for answers, searching for love, searching for comfort, searching for safety. 
3. we all get depressed.  the difference is how long you let it control your life
4. we all get lonely .. don't let it define who you are or where you'll go
5. we all have secrets. it's nothing to be ashamed of


dumbest blog i've ever written but i had to write it

fate and destiny = the idea that something is meant to happen and unavoidable no matter what.

it's kind of an uncomfortable concept..that some things are out of our control and no matter what choices we make, some events still remain unavoidable.  but, i think a part of us wants to believe in it and sometimes, it even makes sense.  why are some things seemingly meant to happen?  even something as simple as a great sale at your favorite store.  a lot of times we deem fate as a positive thing, but i think, you can be destined for negative fates.

when something seems fated, maybe it does not always have to mean it's good for you.  maybe it seems fated in you were to have that bad experience and learn from it.  it's not something that needs to be held on to.. in fact, sometimes you have to let fate happen and then let it go because there is no point in holding on to negativity.

yes, moral of my cliche story.. everything happens for a reason and we're meant to learn from it.

Monday, January 17, 2011

back in action.

not my best, but it had to be done.
so i haven't been able to write as much as usual in the past few months probably because i've been having trouble "letting go" of certain situations that have been occurring in my life.  after seeing black swan, i'm inspired:
"perfection is not just about control. it's also about letting go."

i have not been able to write because my mind is... cluttered.  writing, art in general, is not about control (granting..writing has some rules).  it's a release of emotions and things that cannot be expressed otherwise.  we cannot control our feelings.  if they are getting "the best of us," so to speak, we have to let go of the reasons.  let go of everything that causes us to be crazed.  release it in some way.  my problem has been that i was not releasing .. not letting go.  so this is me.. letting it go.

eventually i'll write a better blog on this topic.. maybe

listening to "roll with the punches" by bag of toys.